Life goes a lot smoother if you are a person who knows how to make decisions superfast. One of my first business mentors, Ali Brown, says “money likes speed.”
One of the things that can kill a business fast is being unwilling to make decisions. Why do some people almost refuse to make decisions?
- They are afraid to make mistakes
- They are stuck in wanting things to be perfect before they decide
- They don’t want to take responsibility if the decision turns out to be a bad one
My Superfast Decision Making System
Here’s my system for how to make decisions superfast that always help you meet your goals. I use this with almost all of my clients. If you use my system you’ll find that you can quickly make decisions about absolutely anything in your life and you’ll meet the goals you’ve set for yourself, too.
First step? Write down a list of what you want in life. Paint it just as you would want it. Where do you want to live? How to you want to make a living? What do you want in your life (travel, relationships, weight loss, successful business, rental property, deep community, as examples).
Second step? Measure each and every decision you make up against your “life list.” Any decision that requires your time and/or your money (which is every decision) can be decided quickly and without angst. If a yes moves you toward at least half of your life list, do it. If it doesn’t help meet at least half of your life list then don’t do it.
Yes, it really is that simple to make decisions quickly and without angst and guilt.
This means that we don’t sit down and think of all the “what if’s.” As an example, I was invited to attend a workshop over Memorial Day weekend. I realized almost before I’d finished reading about it that the objectives of this workshop would help me move toward almost everything on my current life list. In 15 minutes I had bought my ticket, reserved the hotel, and bought airline tickets. Because this will help me meet many items on my life list, it’s a yes.
I didn’t get stuck in any of this:
- Worry that we didn’t yet know our plans for the holiday weekend.
- Wonder if we would miss out on some great party with friends.
- Worry that Bill would not want to go (he IS going, but if he decided not to, I still would have been on that plane).
- Worry about spending the money.
- Worry about if I REALLY wanted to go.
- Worry about if maybe I would not get “anything out of it.”
- Ask for a guarantee that I would get something out of it.
- Worry it would displease someone.
- Worry I might not like it.
- Worry that I couldn’t do some of the physical activities that might be a part of the workshop.
- Worry that someone might need me that weekend and I would feel guilty I wasn’t there.
- Worry that something else might come along that I would rather do.
We can always worry about a zillion things up in our head. That’s not what we are called to do as conscious beings.
One of my goals for this year is to dig deeper into knowing how to shift a part of my business, and deepen my ability to live from the flow of energy and love. I have a fair degree of certainty that this particular workshop will help me toward this big goal. Therefore, it’s a yes.
If you and I chose to make our decisions quickly, measured by how much closer it can bring us to our life list (our big goals), we will not fail. We will always move closer to what we desire. If, instead, we live from a place of indecision, worry, and pleasing others we will move further away from our goals.
When I work with a client we spent time working on the “list” of what she truly wants for herself and her business. Then we lay out a plan of action and measure every idea by how many of those things on the list are helped by that particular action. It makes the path forward very clear.
Sometimes, it’s a help just to have someone guide you through creating that list. If you’d like to do a private meeting so that I can help you set up your “life list” please email me and we’ll book a time to work together.
Here’s to being able to make a decision super-fast. It’s one thing that helps you manifest what you want in business and in life.
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